We Are Studio Based in New York, that Provides
Hassle-Free Backyard Transformations with Artistic Solutions.

We handle everything for you!
  • Full Project Management
  • Design and 3D Modeling
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Stormwater Management
  • Permits and Inspections
  • Irrigation and Drainage
  • Planting and Removal
  • Snow Clearing

Why choose us?

The Gardeny is a full-service grounds care company. Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading lawn care and landscape solutions to commercial and residential clients. Built on a family tradition of caring, we are driven by a passion to exceed customer expectations and consistently deliver client satisfaction.


We at The Gardeny are proud to offer carefully designed landscapes crafted to suit our commercial clients’ preferences while prioritizing sustainability.We at The Gardeny are proud to offer carefully

We are since 1987!

The Gardeny have always focused on one thing: customer satisfaction.

We deliver that satisfaction through our comprehensive range of expert lawn care and landscaping services, including both residential and commercial lawn care.


“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.”

– Jame Stevens


Our clients

We work with big and small.

Whether you contract with us to install a drainage system or a full-featured landscape design and installation, you’ll always get what you pay for.


Tips & Tricks

Täites neid hooldusjuhiseid, saate nautida oma kuivatatud lillde ilu ja säravust pikka aega.
Kuivatatud lilleseade toob püsiva ja loomuliku ilu igasse ruumi. Kuigi lillede ja kõrreliste ettevalmistamise, vormimise...
Suviste õitsevate aedade ilu ei pea piirduma vaid soojade kuudega. Kuivatatud lilled saavad luua selle kauni vaate...